Create your own GitHub profile

GitHub has released a feature recently that allows users to create a profile level README to display on their GitHub profile. In this article, I will walk you through how to use this awesome feature.
Check my GitHub profile here
The profile-level README feature on GitHub allows you to post more content than profile bio. A README file is to tell other people why your project is useful, what they can do with your project, and how they can use it.
How do I create my profile README?
The profile README can be created by creating a new repository with the same name (same letter casing) as your username.
Check the ‘Initialize this repository with a README’ option while creating the repo

Edit file inside the new repo and play with your content to create cool designs for your profile
I used Markdown to edit my README file. You can use this cheat sheet for Markdown syntax
Commit your new README directly to your repo’s master branch from GitHub’s web interface. This should allow you to see the changes immediately on your profile page

I edited an image template with my content and added the file to my repo, I then used the image link inside the README file.
You can check real cool profiles here by some amazing users !
Tag me or comment down below with a screengrab if you create your profile after reading this! I would love to see your designs!